June 12, 2006

  • Crash and Burn

    Emeryville is where I fell in love with the idea of owning a sailboat. All those empty dangerous lots, great for setting up a meth lab in. That’s where my ex-boyfriend’s mom housed the all-wood sailboat she was rennovating.  I associate another thing with Emeryville — Pixar.

    I had planned to study tonight, but Matt convinced me to go to the movies and see “Cars.”  I don’t normally review movies. But this one. . . I feel I must. review. this. movie.

    1. I was a little surprised and hurt when the main character yells, “Hillybilly Hell!” Not to mention that this is a children’s movie. It was the only inappropriate word in the movie. I’m a hillbilly. My dad is a hillbilly. And although Southern Thailand is socially and politically corrupt and I wouldn’t want to live there, I hardly consider it hell.

    2. I really did not think it was appropriate to show someone racing to beat a train at a railroad intersection. If it were a Bugs Bunny cartoon, you know he wouldn’t have won.

    3. I really could have done without the main female character giving a lecture about how awful it is that people built an Interstate to get from Point A to Point B quicker. The truth about Route 66 is that it helped truckers to get their loads from one place to another. The Interstate allowed them to make their deadlines quicker and come home and be with their families sooner. Sorry to disappoint all those who feel that truckers should be forced to drive Route 66 so that they could make stops at all the tourist attractions along the way because people are nostalgic about the danger of passing slow drivers on a two-lane highway. . . .

    4. I lived in the country all of 18 years before I went to college. And I never saw anyone cow-tipping. MUDDING, yes. Cow-tipping, no. I was very disappointed when they did not go mudding.

    5. I adored the visuals. They captured the vistas so well, certainly it wasn’t animation. But if it was, wow!

    Another thing that peeved me was a trailer for a movie that seemed to want me to feel sympathetic for ants.