July 6, 2007

  • I posted this three years ago on March 14, 2004.  And I still feel the same way.

    War and Peace -- or "How a Doctor
    Saves Vs. How a Soldier Saves"

    does it cost to have peace?

    Americans are morally weak and like paper tigers, after a few blows
    they fall. . ."

    -- Osama bin

    Could he have been right? I
    sure hope not.

    I love my grandfather and I respect
    him for many of the good things he has done. My grandmother says he
    would go to work, walking along the railroad tracks to the neighboring
    towns to treat the sick. She had to buy him shirts and shoes often
    because, he would always come home without them, having given them to
    his patients who had none. This was after the

    My grandfather's high school education was
    interrupted by a war.

    People came to Philippines
    with the intention of changing the way the whole country ran. It would
    not be Philippines. It would be. . . Japan.

    So my
    grandfather hid from the terrorists. He and many others from his town
    took to the mountains when the Japanese came. My grandmother tells me,
    there was a Japanese soldier who stumbled into their camp one day. They
    couldn't understand him very well, but from the looks of it, he was a

    He asked to have something to

    And the people in the camp pointed to the

    As he stood by the well drinking, one of my
    grandfather's friends assigned him to cut the man's head off. Why?
    Well, if the soldier wasn't a deserter, he was probably a spy, and if
    they let him go, he would lead the Japanese to their hidden campsite.
    (They couldn't keep him in the camp either, as food was limited during
    the war.)

    My grandfather is a doctor. And I don't
    know whether that part of him that wanted to save people is what kept
    him from doing it, but he could not bring himself to kill a

    So his friend had to do it for him. Using a
    large knife, he severed the man's head as he drank from the well. The
    soldier probably didn't know what hit him. But, a deserter is not
    wanted by any side.

    What does it cost to have

    Jesus says to "turn the other

    Where does one draw the

    Do you tell a woman whose husband is abusing
    her. . . to "turn the other cheek, dear."
    Do you teach her
    children not to fight their father when he beats

    Where does one draw the

    I've got relatives on both sides of my family
    who ran away from the Japanese during World War II. And the generation
    before that, they ran from the Communists who were overtaking China and
    forcing people into war.

    I think sometimes people
    forget that war is not a choice.
    War is something that is
    forced upon you.

    Someone does violence upon you or
    your family. And you can "turn the other cheek" (as my grandfather
    did). . . or you can protect your family, at the cost of your own

    I really admire all those soldiers who fought
    for my grandparents in World War II. I am only sorry that so many of
    them died to save people who have forgotten. . . what they died

    It's strange to see my relatives running away
    from terrorism, just as they ran away from the Japanese. History
    repeats itself once more, and I am sad.

    They ran to
    America. But if America falls to terrorists, where will they run then?
    Is anything worth fighting for? Or do you use up your time in one
    country, and then when it is spent, do you toss it away like a used
    rubber? You'd think they'd get tired of running away all the time. I am
    not Filipino. I am not Thai. I am not Chinese. I am an

    So many people come to this country from
    Philippines, Thailand, and China and send money back "home." How do
    they bite the hand which feeds it? Do you want to know where your U.S.
    money goes? It goes overseas to help those in other countries. People
    may make fun of the U.S., but why then do they keep coming

    And why does the media make it sound like
    everyone hates the U.S. After 9-11, one of the first people to email me
    was one of my friends in Japan, who wanted to make sure that I was okay
    and that my family was safe.

    This from a country
    that America bombed less than 60 years ago.
    This from a
    country that created soldiers that killed my relatives in three
    separate countries.
    How can war and peace coexist? It just

    There was one Japanese soldier that spared my
    grandmother's life. Soldiers came into the market one day, and my
    grandmother hid behind a jar of fermented shrimp paste. One of the
    soldiers saw her anyway, and came up to her and took her baby from her.
    According to my grandmother, he held my dad and talked to him and then
    started to cry. My father thinks that perhaps he had a son back home as
    well, and that he reminded him of that.

    There are
    other stories, not so nice, and very cruel.

    cousin used to take singing lessons when she was in elementary school.
    I'm not sure that she really understood what she was singing. I doubt
    many people really

    I'm proud to be an
    Where at least I know I'm free.
    And I won't
    forget the men who died
    Who gave that right to

    And I'd proudly stand up next to her
    defend her still today.
    'Cause there ain't no doubt I love
    this land.
    God bless the

    I really don't think anyone listens to the words. It's just a song
    written by an over-patriotic hick.

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